Thursday, September 4, 2008

A solid home run by McCain

A solid home run by McCain, not delivered with the same impact as the Barracuda GRAND SLAM of last night, but the game is on baby-- the Republican party is united and energized—we have a whole new campaign on the RIGHT. The radical LEFT is dazed and confused, and in PANIC. The McCain – Palin ticket is now very well differentiated from the Obama – Biden pair by a huge advantage in EXPERIENCE, ACCOMPLISHMENT, CHARACTER, JUDGMENT, COURAGE and INTEGRITY to name a few. The American people have a clear choice to make: buy into the stale leftist politics of the last century as pitched by a lofty idealist, you know, take from the rich and give to the poor, OR vote for REAL CHANGE, believable, palpable CHANGE. The public overwhelmingly disapproves of the do-nothing, self-serving politicians in power—we want to see all of their private jets on eBay—exactly what Palin did in Alaska, we want to happen in Washington NOW! We demand a commitment of service to the American people, not to party, not to ego, not to career. If any team can deliver REAL CHANGE, McCain – Palin can—because they have DEMONSTRATED it—the have built their careers DOING IT!!! Not TALKING about it while making very poor decisions in JUDGMENT as has Barack Obama with his numerous and long questionable relationships from which he now has to distance himself to advance his career. The Republican ticket is to REAL CHANGE as Michael Phelps is to swimming. The Democrat idea of change is the fuzzy road to self discovery of Barack Obama, as aptly worded in Palin’s speech. McCain told us WHAT and HOW they will accomplish change. The McCain – Palin message of REAL CHANGE is BELEIVABLE because bringing CHANGE and CHALENGING THE STATUS QUO is exactly what has defined both of the political careers of McCain and Palin—deeds, measurable, numerous and important. Not just the idea of change. Obama has nothing to demonstrate other than AMBTION, an overblown EGO and radical ideology—maybe a third memoir: The Audacity of Defeat, how my ego and career were crushed by an old white guy and a beauty queen.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

stone hits bee hive

Senator John McCain's choice of governor Sarah Palin for the VP slot not only took the wind from the sails of the democrat party yacht sailing in Denver, but caused instant panic in the foot soldier class of Obama faithful and spin doctors—kind of like when a stone hits a bee hive, the negative and incoherent buzz was deafening on the alphabet soup networks. Sarah Palin is the real deal: she has the credentials of CHANGE and the executive experience missing on the Democrat ticket. So the reason for so many angry bees, is due to the self-inflicted stone throw: Obama's qualifications to lead the free world as Chief Executive and Commander in Chief of the United States, are clearly missing, he does not have the EXPERIENCE, ACCOMPLISHMENT or JUDGEMENT required for the job. Governor Palin trumps Obama on all of the above and is articulate, captivating and inspiring--without the aid a teleprompter. Unlike Obama, Sarah Palin’s message of CHANGE is real, palpable and compelling, expressed with the clarity of conviction and strength of sincerity, not a glossy veneer crafted by media pros, which crumbles and betrays the integrity and authenticity of the message, i.e., when empty space is filled with mind-numbing, Obama duhhs and uhhhs and ehhhhs....the empty space of fabrication.